1. Prepare a notebook to include:
    1. Newspaper and other stories showing common kinds and causes of accidents in the home
    2. Newspaper and other stories showing common kinds of crimes against families like yours
    3. Facts you have obtained concerning the frequency of accidents and of crimes involving families in your locality
    4. A paragraph or more, written by you, explaining how your family life could be changed by a serious fire, accident, or crime
    5. A list of safe practices and safety devices currently used in your family's home and automobile
  2. Do the following:
    1. Using a safety checklist approved by your counselor, make an inspection of your home. Explain the hazards found and how they can be corrected.
    2. Review or develop your family's plan of escape in case of fire in your home.
  3. Do the following:
    1. Discuss with your counselor how you contribute to the safety of yourself, your family, and your community.
    2. Show your family members how to protect themselves and your home from accidents, fire, theft, robbery, and assault.
  4. Show your family exits you would use from different public buildings (such as a church, theater, municipal building, library, supermarket, or shopping center) in the event of an emergency. Teach your family what do in the event of a panic.
  5. Make a plan for accident prevention programs for five family activities outside the home (at church, at a theater, on a picnic, at the beach, and while traveling). Each plan should include an analysis of possible hazards, proposed action to correct hazards, and reasons for the correction you propose.
  6. Plan and complete a safety project approved by your counselor in your home, school, church, or community.

BSA Advancement ID#: 12
Source: Boy Scout Requirements, #33215E, revised 2002

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