- Do the following:
- Grow six vegetables, three from seeds and three from seedlings,
through harvesting.
- Grow six flowers, three from seeds and three from seedlings,
through flowering.
- Give the food value of the following:
- Three root or tuber crops.
- Three fruits or vegetables which bear above the ground.
- Three leafy greens.
- Tell what you did to control insects or diseases. Tell where and how to
use a contact insecticide, a stomach poison, and a fungicide.
- Do THREE of the following:
- Test 100 garden seeds for germination.
- Make a hotbed or cold frame, and grow plants in same.
- Clean, bunch, or pack any three vegetables for market.
- Enter one of the vegetables or flowers you have grown in a show,
fair, or festival.
- Make a storage bin or pit for home use. Store part of a crop you
have grown. Describe the process.
BSA Advancement ID#: 55
Source: Boy Scout Requirements, #33215E, revised 2002
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